Class Teaching Assistant: Mrs Tucker and Mrs Wright
Welcome to the Reception class section of the school website.
The children in Reception class have now begun their journey into full time education at Sacred Heart. Looking smart in their school uniforms and ready for the next stage in their educational journey. We welcome back children that attended our Nursery class but also welcome new children that begin their learning journey with us. We believe that children learn at their best when they are able to explore in a safe, stimulating and exciting learning environment.
We provide children with a variety of ‘hands on’ learning experiences that enable them to develop their early exploratory and enquiry skills. The staff in the setting endeavour to meet the needs of all children and use their interests to develop their full learning potential. Much like our Nursery classroom the aim of early years learning is to develop the children’s skills in 7 different areas of learning. The learning in Reception class is very much based on a play approach which is supported and enhanced by adults and resources in the setting. The children will also be taking part in adult led and group activities, guided group and guided reading sessions, a daily phonics session, assemblies and other celebrations within the school. There is also an expectation that children complete home learning tasks at home and are encouraged to read their reading books on a daily basis.
Please can you ensure that ALL items of clothing, including PE kits, trousers, shoes and skirts are clearly labelled with your child’s name. This is especially important during the hot weather, when children take jumpers and cardigans off in the playground when they get too hot. We can return items of clothing to their owners quickly if they are named.
Interactive Learning Diary
To access you child’s Interactive Learning Diary, please see the link below:
If you have difficulties accessing the portal, please see the class teacher.